ヨセフさんがThe Japan Timesに載りました! ― 2011/07/22 15:42
こんにちは、インターンの湯村です。HRWの2010年「アリソン・デフォージュ人権活動家賞」を受賞し、東京でのチャリティー・ディナーにも出席したヨセフ・ムルゲタ弁護士に関する記事が、The Japan Timesに載りました。
Friday, July 22, 2011
Special to The Japan Times
Yosef Mulugeta, an Ethiopian lawyer and former secretary general of the Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHCRO), is asking for the support of the international community in his struggle to bring about peaceful change in Ethiopia.
Yosef Mulugeta, an Ethiopian lawyer and former secretary general of the Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHCRO), is asking for the support of the international community in his struggle to bring about peaceful change in Ethiopia.
Donor nations, including Japan, "must use their leverage for human rights," said Mulugeta, who recently received the 2010-2011 Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism from London-based Human Rights Watch at its annual dinner in Tokyo.