NY&Boston レポートvol.4 HRW憲章・ロゴの秘密2012/04/03 23:11

下の写真は、HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH ニューヨークオフィスの玄関です。

案内してくれた調査員は「What is a bad point of the former logo? ロゴを変更したのはなぜだかわかるか?」と私たちに問いました。
ある学生が「The fixed point of view from the Arctic」と答えました。



Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting
the human rights of people around the world.
We stand with victims and activists to bring
offenders to justice, to prevent discrimination,
to uphold political freedom and to protect people from
inhumane conduct in wartime.
We investigate and expose human rights violations
and hold abusers accountable.
We challenge governments and those holding power
to end abusive practices and respect international
human rights law.
We enlist the public and the international community
to support the course of human rights for all.